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Branding Brainiacs

" Market Marvels: Where Innovation Meets Impact! "

Unleash your marketing magic! You'll be assigned a burning topic, choose your champion product, and craft an ad so sizzling. Think outside the box, push the boundaries, and get ready to paint the town red with your advertising masterpiece. The clock's ticking, the stakes are high, and the stage is yours – are you ready to show the world what you've got? Let the advertising showdown begin!

Domain Dynamo: Igniting Ingenuity

Prior to the competition, teams will receive a specific domain which they have to promote it on competition day. The methods and original ways that the participants delivered the specs will be used to evaluate them. Top teams will be qualified for the next round.

AdBlitz Challenge: Unleash Creativity in a Snap!

Teams are given two minutes to use a series of shifting pictures with loose linkages to create an advertising flow. Included in the judging criteria are mental clarity and spontaneity. Nominees for awards are chosen by their performance.


1. The team must consist of 1 - 4 members. Intercollegiate teams are allowed (except for students  of PSG CT).

2. Teams must ensure that their marketing strategies are ethical, responsible, and respectful of the brands and modest.

3. The decision of the panel will be final, and no further appeals will be entertained.

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