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Do you want to grow your data science skills and get hands-on experience? Do you want to meet with like minded data enthusiasts? Then this is the right competition for you!

The competition features two rounds. Both the rounds will be conducted at PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore. Further details are given below. Check it out ;)

Team size: 2 - 4

First Round

The rules are simple! Participants will be provided with a dataset accompanied by 25 questions. Once the participants have answered all the questions, the answers can be uploaded in the Google form in the specified format. Participants are free to use their choice of data analytics software.


Date: 19th February, 2023 (Sunday)

Time: 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm


Scoring criterion:

  1. Accuracy

  2. Time


The format for submission is ‘TeamName_College.csv’ file. Click here to view sample submission file.


Second Round

Every data tells a story. But who visualizes it best?!

Create the best data visualization that is beautiful as well as informative. Present it with a compelling and inspiring story!

The teams qualified for the final round will be provided with a unique dataset on 16th February (Saturday), 2023 at 10:00 am. Teams will have 3 days to explore the dataset, create visualizations and prepare an inspiring narrative to present. The presentation will take place on the second day of the fest.


Presentation rules: Teams will be given 5 minutes to present their data story followed by 2-3 minutes of Q&A.

Date: 19th February, 2023 (Sunday)

Time: 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm

Scoring Criterion:

1.   Analysis

2.   Design / Visualization

3.   Narrative


Read further for some exciting information about data analytics and visualization!

Data analytics and visualization tools:

  1. Microsoft Excel

  2. Python

  3. R

  4. Microsoft Power BI

  5. Tableau

Note: These popular tools can be a good starting point for participants to explore the world of data analytics and visualization. But participants are free to use tools not mentioned in this list.


A little inspiration to get started with your data story!

1.    Basic Data Visualization

2.    Visualizing the Zettabyte

3.   Creative data visualization

4.   Powerful ways to visualize your data

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